Jacob Waites
I design, prototype, and build brands and interactions full of expressive type, fun motion, bold colors, and minimal line-work. Sometimes I write and speak about design. My craft is the way I speak to the world, I work to help others find their voice and make them successful.

Rethinking insurance for Gen Z, made to fit.
Hopscotch is a parametric insurance offering that is hypercustomized to small groups with specific needs. Anyone can start a group and collect signups, you can insure yourself by joining a specific group whose coverage you like best, each group adds to your monthly fee and coverage terms. This project was created as a prototype venture for a large home and auto insurance company. As the Visual and Interaction design lead on the team, I created the brands and prototypes for the concepts.
About Hopscotch

Generation Z Personality Traits
Hopscotch was the top concept out of a slew of others, when interviewing people who identified as part of generation Z, we crafted key personality traits that informed our approach to designing a service for this eclectic group.

Other Concepts
The other concepts included a file insurance concept, e-sports team insurance, influencer relationship insurance, and a roadtripping insurance app inspired by AAA triptiks.